Business Hub

Release notes August / September 2018

1. Individual Users – Credit Card

The process of entering in updated credit card details has been improved to prevent an issue where this could fail and not provide an error message.

2.       Safari Browser and iPad

Further fixes and improvements have been implemented for Safari and Tablet users and we are continuing to work usability issues in these environments.

3.       Other Account Options

We have reviewed the Other Account options and after some feedback the decision was made to split the Other option into two. 

When choosing Other you can now select either Other Asset or Other Liability.
This makes setting up these manual accounts easier and clearly defines them as either an asset or liability.

These new options will be show up in the respective categories in your Net Worth tile and report.

4.       Calendar Export

You can now export your Moneysoft calendar in iCalendar format for Outlook and other email programs.

For those who use the calendar to set their bills and income on specific days, you can now export this information and upload it into your preferred calendar to help you keep track of what’s due without having to loginto Moneysoft.

5.       Adviser Emails

Business partners now have the ability to update the email address for their advisers.

6.       Uncategorised Transactions

The uncategorised transactions number on the dashboard once again correctly matches the actual number of uncategorised transactions.

7.       Custom Landing Page

Some minor bugs related to the custom landing page have been corrected and a new option to adjust the colour of the header text has been added.

8.       Reports

The Account Balance, Merchant and Cashflow reports have all had minor bug fixes and are now displaying correctly for all periods.


9.       Financial Account Logos

The missing logos for Homeloans, Myer, AFG and Virgin Money have all been located and are back in their rightful place.

The following rewards institutions have also been added:

  • Fly buys
  • Qantas frequent flyer
  • Velocity rewards